Education Twitter Chat!

I participated in an educational twitter chat called #edchat. It seems to be a fairly popular twitter chat as many people were ready to contribute once the chat started.

The topic of the chat was “What is the role of school leadership in professional development?” I gave my input and enjoyed reading the responses. Someone mentioned how it is important for the school leaders to not only make professional development available but they should also participate themselves. To me, this is a very valid point. Developing leadership teams is also a great idea as I believe it would often lead to positive collaboration.

Check out one of the discussions (I participated in this one) by clicking on this tweet. Also, look out for the next education chat!


Literacy and History… They Actually Go Hand in Hand!

How important is literacy in history? This article explains how the tools that are taught in ELA, are also essential in history. As the article makes clear, just because you aren’t an English teacher, doesn’t mean you aren’t a literacy teacher!

This article talks about how understanding history takes deep interpretative, argumentative, and contextual skills. It isn’t just about summarizing the texts or remembering facts. Learning shouldn’t be just about memorizing, but instead, about a high level of analysis and questioning.

An important point made in the article is how the learning in class should go past a basic knowledge of the text.

“Textbooks can be useful classroom tools and students should be taught how to read and use them wisely, but when students read only these books, they do not get experience, practice, or coaching with reading more authentic discipline-specific texts.”

Read the article to find out examples of other materials for you to use as a teacher and also learn why storytelling and arguments are so critical in understanding history!


Use this links to access the article:
