Podcast Episode 1

A few of us are documenting our learning this semester while we also navigate the technology of podcasting.  Please listen to our first episode of Developing Teacher Eyes Podcast and leave us a comment about what you’d like to hear from us next.

5 Replies to “Podcast Episode 1”

  1. Hi Girls,

    How nice to feel like I am in a group and still learning! This podcast gave me an idea for kids to record their conversations about group books. I did it a couple years ago and forgot about it. I am wondering how to use the QR codes; I have never done that before.

    My worry about highlighting is that it does not require thinking, or at least we can not see the thinking. Over the years, I have learned that putting down one’s thoughts required another level of engagement with the text. It makes our brains think beyond the text and shape our thoughts. It makes one more critical and inquisitive. I definitely think Beers and Probst would encourage a more active engagement with the text

    Thanks for sharing with me!.

  2. I thought this podcast episode was great! I really learned a lot from it. I would like to hear more about getting students to engage in different texts.

  3. Hello,
    I enjoyed the discussion and you brought up some good points about providing students with options to respond to text. Choice helps them become more engaged with the text and allows them to see there is no “one way” to comprehension.

    The question, “What does it look like to fail?” intrigued me. Having students answer that question about themselves could provide a teacher with insight as to how to support their learning.

    Thanks for sharing your thought-provoking podcast.

  4. I really enjoyed listening to this podcast. I enjoyed the part where you talk about going outside your comfort zone, always being open to learning, we are constantly learning. Knowing yourself as a learner is important, you can transfer this to students by showing them there are multiple ways to learn, not just one way to learn a concept.

  5. I really enjoyed listening to this podcast. I like the part when you talked about stepping out of your comfort zone, I feel that as a teacher you are constantly challenged to do something new, something that you may not be comfortable with.

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